Incubator For Start-Ups

Incubator About us ADYPU Incubator

About us

Ajeenkya DY Patil University incubator

As India’s Innovation focused university, the Ajeenkya DY Patil University is the ideal place for entrepreneurs and entrepreneurially minded students to add incredible value to your ideas, work on groundbreaking new technologies, develop and grow your startup.

Frictionless Entrepreneuring InfrastructureThe uniqueness of the platform lies in its ‘Frictionless Entrepreneuring Infrastructure’,

Growth exponentialswhich is backed by platform to activate ‘Growth exponentials’

Becoming a profitable business is not easy. Even the very best technology idea needs support, nurturing and expert advise for it to succeed. This is exactly the purpose of the ADYPU Incubator. It is committed to help ideas get wings, support the ideas to expand and startups becoming successful enterprises through access to space, advise, mentoring, events, networks and a supportive ecosystem.

The incubator through its supportive environment helps to develop concepts into market ready products, supports acquisition of business knowledge, and facilitates legal & IP advice. It reduces costs but also substantially reduces the level of failure and increases your chances of success.

80%of the startups supported at the incubator are from the wider community,

20%are from within the Ajeenkya DY Patil University.

We welcome all pioneers of tomorrow with a promise to transform your dream and idea with potential into game changing business. Driven by curiosity and courage we together will be at the heart of this creation.



The Incubator is located at the heart of University Learning Center of the Ajeenkya DY Patil University with only 20 minutes from the Pune Airport and 45 minutes from the City Center.

The university is situated amidst a 110 acre campus with state-of-the-art facilities, infrastructure and greenery.


The Incubator has satellite facilities at the city center on Dhole Patil Road for those who wish to work from there.

Strategic Intent

For the aspiring, the inspiring and the ambitious.

Our strategic intent is to make the Ajeenkya DY Patil University Incubator the platform of choice for entrepreneurs with an idea and a life-changing hub for ADYPU students, staff and alumni, that turn high-tech startups with scalable business models into a thriving, successful business by facilitating experiences, knowledge and networking.
