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The Ajeenkya DY Patil University empowers its students to customize coursework. A student can shape the curriculum to meet their individual goals. With our flexible curriculum you can ensure that you gain skills and knowledge in the area you love and you consider important for you to succeed. You can choose courses to be taken from any department or school of the university. You can aspire to develop depth in a specific functional area or go wide by accumulating a diverse portfolio of course credits.


Ajeenkya DY Patil University has a wide and expanding network of partner universities from different parts of the world, mainly from US, UK and Europe. Our international partner university network provides an opportunity for our students to travel aboard to study, while we host the students from partner universities at our campus allowing for a rich exchange of thoughts, ideas and cultural insights between the students. All our programs at the undergraduate and postgraduate level offer opportunities to build international experience into your education.


We have developed a business-validated, competency-based curriculum that benchmarks against the internationally developed frameworks such as Accreditation Board of Engineering & Technology (ABET, USA), Computing Science Accreditation Board (CSAB, USA), National Association of Schools of Arts and Design (NASAD, USA), and the Subject Benchmark Statements as provided by the Quality Assurance Agency (QAA), UK.


We relentlessly strive towards crafting better human beings rather than manufacturing blinkered individuals who are mere professionals. Our focus is on the T-Shaped Professionals who will be the winners of this New Age. A T-Shaped Professional is one who is an expert in the chosen domain (T’s vertical stroke) and know how their discipline interacts with others (horizontal stroke).


The Innovation Factory is another distinctive offering of ADYPU. It is a place where students together with their peers from the industry solve the most-pressing challenges of the industry as well as society at large. The main aim of the innovation factory is to develop innovative products and services which positively enhance the quality of life of people and contribute to increasing India’s competitiveness in the global market.


The i Lead program imparts high quality leadership experience through various modes and means such as workshops, programs, events, activities and specific courses.


The Ajeenkya DY Patil University is an Innovation University. We are a community of faculty, students, industry, and businesses who drive the culture of innovation. In a world that needs idea-generators, strategic thinkers, people with a creative mindset and passion for problem solving, the university is a powerhouse of talent and ideas.


Our placement unit is not just about finding a job. It also helps students with acquiring the skills to manage one’s career. The placement unit continually invites people from the industry to the campus and also arranges industry visits for the students.


Our teaching, learning and assessment systems are well thought of at every level to help students with skills and knowledge to excel in the future, and take advantage of new opportunities. Emphasis is always on student-centered learning, personal development, creativity, intellectual rigor and technical ability aimed at increasing independence of approach, thought and process. The use of information technology plays an active role throughout the courses.


We acknowledge that each one of you is special. Each one of you has unique talents. The University is a special place. Combined with the friendly and open nature of our university, we offer exciting opportunities to develop your academic, personal and professional skills through a range of curricular, co-curricular and extra-curricular experiences.